sâmbătă, 22 august 2009
vineri, 21 august 2009
Sunset boulevard
Publicat de Animajo la 09:51 0 comentarii
Auf dem See
Auf dem See
Und frische Nahrung, neues Blut
Saug ich aus freier Welt;
Wie ist Natur so hold und gut,
Die mich am Busen hält!
Die Welle wieget unsern Kahn
Im Rudertakt hinauf,
Und Berge, wolkig himmelan,
Begegnen unserm Lauf.
Aug, mein Aug, was sinkst du nieder?
Goldne Träume, kommt ihr wieder?
Weg, du Traum! so gold du bist;
Hier auch Lieb und Leben ist.
Auf der Welle blinken
Tausend schwebende Sterne,
Weiche Nebel trinken
Rings die türmende Ferne;
Morgenwind umflügelt
Die beschattete Bucht,
Und im See bespiegelt
Sich die reifende Frucht.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Publicat de Animajo la 08:15 0 comentarii
luni, 17 august 2009
sâmbătă, 15 august 2009
Tanz der Seele
Visele ne inconjoara la orice pas, fara vise nu ar fi posibil sa fabricam nimic real, totul se contureaza mai intai in imaginatie, apoi poate pe hartie si abia apoi prinde viata...visele nu sunt niste fantome; sunt mai degraba niste embrioni, niste germeni, sunt o promisiune... dar cand ele se coboara noaptea peste somnul tau si te rapesc intr-o alta lume? intr-o lume fara sens, fara logica, sau oricum ordonata dupa o alta logica...totul se amesteca, se aprinde, devine extrem...persoane pe care le-ai cunoscut candva, care au trecut prin zilele tale si au pus o amprenta invizibila dar persistenta...locuri in care ai atarnat bucati din sufletul tau, valuri agitate, o luna tacuta, locuri care nu au nicio legatura unele cu altele...persoane care nu s-au cunoscut vreodata, totul se pune laolalta in acest creuzet oniric si se petrec reactii chimice parca necontrolate.
Ramai dimineata cu o dara din visul tau, nu mai stii daca te-ai temut de el sau daca ti-a placut, ai nevoie sa respiri adanc pentru a iti regasi coordonatele... si cand le regasesti te trezesti intr-o lume pustie. Este dansul sufletului (Tanz der Seele)...
Publicat de Animajo la 04:46 0 comentarii
vineri, 14 august 2009
never stop flying
Publicat de Animajo la 10:22 0 comentarii
luni, 10 august 2009
sâmbătă, 8 august 2009
vineri, 7 august 2009
E greu de pus un titlu
Ca o prelungire a intregii isterii cu The Mission Dance Weekend, am ales doua melodii, care merg dincolo de sunet...pentru fiecare dintre noi aceasta sinestezie, muzica, imagine, lumina, cuvant spune altceva...eu parca ma gandesc la anul 2012 (pe care mayasii il vad sfarsitul timpului si al lumii) si la destin in general, pe care simt nevoia sa le infrunt cu optimism, cu dragoste, cu incredere, eLIBERAta din temeri...Nu stiu de ce, dar aceste doua melodii, una mixata de Armin, cealalta de Tiesto, parca ajung in acest punct...Sunt curioasa, voua ce va sugereaza?
Andy Moor feat Ashley Wallbridge -„Faces"
Face a sky
Face a wind that blows to me
Face a world
Face a life's reality
Face a dream
Face a time that goes too haste
Face a clock
Never let this run to waste
Face to me
Never look behind to past
Face a hope..
Face a thing that could now last..
Many faces gone to places
Sun is blinding, world defining
Face the light
For me to see your eyes..
Face the world..
Face the star
Face a world without a war
Face the pain
Face the pressure and the strain
Face the case
Face the leaders of this place
So face the gun
Face a world but never run..
Face the year..
Face the future..
Face the fear..fear..fear
Many faces gone to places
Sun is blinding, world defining
Face the light
For me to see your eyes..
Many faces gone to places
Sun is blinding, world defining
Face the lïght
For me to see your eyes..
Delerium feat Sarah Mclachlan - Silence*"
Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to
believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
Passion chokes the flower
until she cries no more
Possesing all the beauty
hungry still for more
Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to
believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
In this white wave I am sinking in this silence
In this white wave...in this silence...I believe
I can't help longing
comfort me
I can't hold it all in"
if you won't let me
Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to
believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
In this white wave I am sinking in this silence
In this white wave...in this silence...I believe
I have seen you...in this white wave you are silent
you are breathing in this whïte wave...I am free
Publicat de Animajo la 16:08 0 comentarii